ISIDA Foundation
Charitable foundation for helping women and children.
ISIDA is a charitable foundation whose main objective is the protection and support of children and women. The name of the fund was not chosen by chance, Isis is the greatest ancient Egyptian Goddess, personifying femininity, and motherhood.
This perfectly describes and fits in with the aims and vision of our foundation.
Isis possessed the gift of all-forgiving and unconditional love. Her inherent wisdom, devotion, and fidelity amaze with their crushing power!
Researchers and experts suggest the influence of the image of Isis feeding her son on the canonical image of the Mother of God Jesus.
" There are two things that children should receive from their parents:
Roots and wings ".
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Unfortunately, not all children grow up under a loving mother's wing, in abundance and security. Not every parent can give strong roots and confidence in the future to their child.
That is why the Isis Foundation, thanks to our contributors, will have centuries-old roots that will contribute to the unlimited growth of our wings.
And together we will be able to embrace the immensity !
Our goals

Provide material, psychological and moral support to children in need of costly treatment.

Encourage women not to decide to end their pregnancy or leave the baby at the orphanage.

Protection and support for women and children who have been subjected to psychophysical violence or found themselves in a difficult life situation.

Improving the financial and moral-psychological condition of orphans, children left without parental care.

Promoting the development and strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society.
Means to Achieve Goals
Organization of theme parties, concerts, performances, conferences, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Organization of hospitals where women with children who have become victims of domestic violence can turn.

Holding meetings with specialists that contribute to the transformation of the consciousness of women and children.

Cooperation with doctors, laboratories and medical institutions.

Assistance in the creation of children's educational institutions.

Let's do good together!